Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Defend the City

Just to let you know about an event next week in London,

It is taking place on

Thursday, January 27th, 6.30pm

London Capital Club

15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW
Come along for what promises to be a fascinating evening


Edward Spalton said...

At a Bruges group meeting last year I came in part way through a highly technical paper by a German banker. Getting in to his highly technical argument was rather difficult but he summed it up very simply at the end. The effect of EU regulation was deliberately designed to push up London dealing costs to those of Frankfurt and Paris.

Of course, bankers and city slickers are very unpopular now and most people will instinctively cheer the EU or any regulator on to them in the present climate of opinion. When real cuts begin to bite, that will get worse - led from the Left/BBC etc. So this campaign is very necessary and needs to be presented in a way that ordinary people can relate to.

Gawain Towler said...

Edward, you are right, but we need to get thye city to understand first, then translate it into concepts that resonate across the country
