As a demonstration against the Treaty some of the UKIP staff were dressed as chickens to point out the cowardice of the European Elite. They want to foist the Constitution upon the people, but they do not dare to ask the people whether they want it.
The Head of Security and a pack of security guards chased us around the building until there was a stalemate. He informed me that "costumes are against the rules of the Parliament". I demanded to see the rule where this was stated. He could not provide any proof of his claims.
Nigel Farage appeared and was interviewed by a freelance journalist. As that interview finished a woman called Anne-Margrete Wachtmeister, who is the Head of the Audio Visual Unit in the Parliament which describes itself thus,
Audiovisual Unit, which provides services and products to the audiovisual media in order to facilitate its coverage of the EP
Wachtmeister to the journalist,
"You should not broadcast that interview".
"Why?" said the shocked hack.
"Because the film crew are employees of the Parliament and they should not be used to film dissent".
This exchange was overheard by Shireen Wheeler, the presenter of the BBC World "Record" program that covers the Parliament.
She threatened to block all further BBC coverage of the Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg if this attitude was not corrected.
The Parliament backed down.
But the thought that the Parliament even considered this is scary. Remember that the European Commission are planning to vet journalists. The European Parliament is building a TV station over which they have editorial control.
Recently in the chamber Danny Cohen Bendit (President of the Greens) has described Eurosceptics as "mentally ill", the leader of the Socialist Group Martin Schulz described Eurosceptics as followers of Adolph Hitler. Graham Watson described Euro sceptics as both Communist and National Socialist in the same sentence.
The Parliament backed down.
But the thought that the Parliament even considered this is scary. Remember that the European Commission are planning to vet journalists. The European Parliament is building a TV station over which they have editorial control.
Recently in the chamber Danny Cohen Bendit (President of the Greens) has described Eurosceptics as "mentally ill", the leader of the Socialist Group Martin Schulz described Eurosceptics as followers of Adolph Hitler. Graham Watson described Euro sceptics as both Communist and National Socialist in the same sentence.
The President of Parliament has gifted himself arbritary powers over the rules of procedure.
Does all this remind anybody of anything?
(The picture shows your correspondent relaxing before the confrontation)
A correspondent has just sent me a copy of the rules governing the use of the TV crews in Parliament. Section 3 seems to be the imporetant bit.
A correspondent has just sent me a copy of the rules governing the use of the TV crews in Parliament. Section 3 seems to be the imporetant bit.

3. The provision of facilities shall not be subject to any editorial directives or guidelines.Thus maybe opposition to the European Institutions, particularly whilst wearing a chicken suit may well indeed be in breech of the rules. Undignified you see.
However, facilities shall not be used for advertising, promotion or publicity purposes for third parties nor undermine the dignity of the European Parliament.
How could anybody suggest that I was undignified?
You mean apart the West Wing's "Freedonia" episode?
Scared? Terribly - it's a nightmare. I have always wondered how it happened that people took Hitler for a harmless idiot, even after he was elected, because he had written a book wherein everyone could read what het intended to do, once he was master..Now I know.
I can't for the life of me understand how more or less decent people are willing to gamble with the peace and prosperity of the electorate which has put them in charge of our fate, against our will
Have they been brainwashed?
Or are they being paid, perhaps?
By whom, for god's sake?
What a terrible war there's going to be; what an incredible chaos..
I'm normally angry, not scared, but you're convincing me quite fast that "scared and angry" is the correct response.
Wachtmeister = guard commander. How apt...
Scared? Me? No. Bloody terrified, more like.
We're living the 1930's, all over again. And it'll end the same way. Again. And god knows how many million people will be dead by the time it's over. Again.
Well, I don't know who it was said that it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees - but I know that, at 61, I'm too damn old, and too bloody-minded, to live on my knees.
In the last war, they had to put a torpedo in my uncle's ship to shut him up. Well, I may not be as tough as he was, and I'm a damn sight older, but I reckon I can still take at least one of the scum-bags with me, when they come to bang me up. So they'd better bring at least two body-bags with them.
Let 'em come.
How could anybody suggest that I was undignified?
Of course you look undignified. Didn't your mother tell you not to slouch!
Well, I don't know who it was said that it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees - but I know that, at 61, I'm too damn old, and too bloody-minded, to live on my knees.
Me too, although I'm 80 but still as you say, too damned old and too bloody minded to live on my knees
I also have a web site with links to other sites have a look at:-
Very true,
We need the police and army on our site to get these fools out.
Scared? Terribly - it's a nightmare. I have always wondered how it happened that people took Hitler for a harmless idiot, even after he was elected, because he had written a book wherein everyone could read what het intended to do, once he was master..Now I know.
I can't for the life of me understand how more or less decent people are willing to gamble with the peace and prosperity of the electorate which has put them in charge of our fate, against our will
Have they been brainwashed?
Or are they being paid, perhaps?
By whom, for god's sake?
What a terrible war there's going to be; what an incredible chaos..
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