I write on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists concerning a current discussion within European Union circles over the issuing of a specific European Press Card.Despite his job Mr White is no radical, and often seems pretty tardy on issues relating to press freedom, however here he is bang on. I immediately picked up the phone to the IFJ and spoke to them.
You might like to know that there is already an accreditation in circulation which is recognised by the major organisations of journalists throughout the European Union -- the International Press Card of the IFJ.
The IFJ International Press Card (IPC) is the world’s oldest and most reputable press accreditation and provides instant confirmation that the bearer is a working journalist. It is only issued to genuine journalists who are committed to ethical standards and solidarity between media professionals.
Indeed this letter seems to be a shot across the bows of the Commission. There are discussions going on in the Commission, (but at this point I and nor do the IFJ know how high up they go) about the creation of an European Press Card.

Access to Commissioners and officials could be restricted to those on the Commission list. Today there is European Institutional press accreditation, but any journalist who is vouched for by an editor is accepted. This new idea has a strong suggestion that the Commission itself will do the vetting not the news organisation and must be opposed as vigorously as possible.
I cannot emphasise how serious this could be.
They can throttle the MSM. As you say, they are already doing so, but this system would ensure it only gets worse. Even more reasons why blogs must survive. They will try to curtail blogs too in time. Maybe threats to bloggers, and even arrests will be the primary methods used.
So what else is new ... if you have read the recent expose of the state of the British press in Private Eye you'll be nodding sadly. He who pays the piper and all that ... when they come after us bloggers, I'll be on the front line with a tray of cucumber sandwiches and a flask of tea. Venceremos, compadres!
Nothing new here then, you should read Max Amann's speech at the 1936 Nuremberg Rally
"Journalist" is an accolade earned fresh each day. Just because the title was earned yesterday doesn't mean it has been earned again today.
Anyone who presumes to license journalism doesn't know enough to recognize a journalist, and probably isn't humble enough to be one. The need for a pseudo-ethics code is the giveaway.
This canary in a coal mine shows all society is at risk, because accuracy important for an individual is important to a journalist and important to society.
For once I agree with you.
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