He is also fanatically opposed to UKIP, running countless stories on his UKIP Watch blog and his own blog. Any failing, real or perceived by any UKIP member big or small is grist to his mill.
So it brings me great pleasure to out the wretched, dry-boned, Antwerp-dwelling, faux Yorkshireman for what he is a stinking, money-grubbing hypocrite.
You see the picture up there, it is our Richard and two of his chums, two very senior Parliamentary officials. The poster is an ad for their new book,
It came with this email,
"Dear All,
Tomorrow will be the launch of the 7th Edition of "The European Parliament". There will be a book signing by the authors next to the Forum Bar between 11am and 3pm and copies of the book will be on
Best Wishes,
Office of Richard Corbett MEP
Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber
The point is, and this is a point that Mr Corbett is well aware that any exhibition organised in the parliament is governed by ComArt rules. These rules forbid the sale of articles in the Parliament.
He is flogging the book hard - the entire Parliament has been spammed three times about his precious book (I must point out that the book is an invaluable guide to the Parliament) and he is personally making money out of breaking the rules. I do not know if there is a special clause saying - 'No sales in Parliament (expect for notorious federasts)', maybe there is. But at the very least this breathtaking hypocricy.
You've been tagged by Eight Things. You!!
I'm guessing we won't be inviting the "wretched, dry-boned, Antwerp-dwelling, faux Yorkshireman for what he is a stinking, money-grubbing hypocrite" to supper then?
Not soon
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