Give the EU more power. Now, really now.
This is a propganda video release by the European Parliament today.
Note, not by a political party or group, but by the Parliament itself. By a bunch of civil servants.
That is your taxes are being spent by civil serevants to make propaganda to further the aims of the federasts. This is explicity political and by any imagination wrong.
This is the clearest example of the EU's doctrine of benficial crisis I have yet to see. It is pernicious and needs to be exposed.
We are asking how much it cost and are demanding that the praliament take it down and apologise. They won't.
Within 3 hrs of uploading the video onto Youtube the Parliament Authorities had disabled comments. It now has 33 likes, 159 dislikes so far. It rather shows that they don't like it up em. Instead you are now directed to their Facebook page where the deabte about this video is contained but pretty fierce. PR #Fail for the EP I fear.
Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Pause
33 minutes ago
I agree that propaganda is to be frowned upon - but what counts as propaganda? From what I can gather, that cartoon's only been put out on the EP's website and its YouTube channel - it's not being broadcast on national TV or in cinemas. So what's to object about? Form or content?
Would the script of that cartoon be propaganda if issued as a press release? If published on the EP website? The content of the cartoon is pretty much 100% accurate - if rather simplistic. So is pretty much everything else on the EP website.
Is the EP website itself also propaganda? Doesn't the EU/EP have a duty to inform the public of its work, considering they're paying for it?
If so, what *wouldn't* count as propaganda in such a duty to provide public information? Are there any circumstances in which a factually accurate yet simplified message would be acceptable to ensure that the public has sufficient/accurate information?
Gawain, keep at 'em. The socialist entity that is the EU needs to be destroyed in its entirety.
It isn't very good either, like something produced decades ago, although that may be deliberate, linking the EU with the 'good old days'.
While agreeing that propaganda is a bad thing, what counts as propaganda?
Is it the fact that this is a cartoon that makes this propaganda, or is it something else? Because the message of the cartoon is, after all, factually accurate - if a little simplistic. Would the script of the cartoon be as objectionable if published as text on the EP's website (because this cartoon doesn't appear to have been broadcase anywhere else)?
Where's the cut-off point between information and propaganda? Or is the EP website itself propaganda, including the informational bits?
The EP is elected to represent the interests of the people of Europe. It also has a duty to report back on its work to the people of Europe.
I've seen some pretty horrific examples of full-on EU propaganda, packed full of the sort of lies and distortions that I'd normally expect from a UKIP press release (sorry - couldn't resist). This isn't one of them. It's just a bit stupid.
Wonderful! All ending up behind closed doors firmly slammed in face of reality. "It's the Rules, we make 'em, you stick to 'em".
They didn't like the negative comments they were getting. Comments disabled.
The crisis in this country seemed to begin with the run on Northern Rock. The Governor of the Bank of England had wanted to give covert support to NR before the run but was prevented from doing so by EU rules which demanded transparency. So the EU was largely at fault for our financial crisis.
I took a screenshot of the first few comments before they removed them here
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