Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ok, lets not call it a tax, lets call it a lollipop

Alain Lamassoure, President ofthe Budget Committee of the European Parliament has been sounding off about the forthcoming EU budget which currently being debated,

According to Belga he has said that the institutional crisis of the past ten years has masked the deeper financial crisis at the heart of the EU.
l'eurodéputé français, les problèmes budgétaires ont été "masqués par la crise institutionnelle qu'a traversée l'UE entre le traité de Nice et le traité de Lisbonne". Ils n'en sont pas moins sérieux. Aujourd'hui, l'Europe "n'a plus le moyen de financer ses politique", estime-t-il. Le budget européen est en effet resté plafonné à environ 1% du PIB alors que les traités successifs ont considérablement élargi le champ d'action de l'Union. Par comparaison, "dans la plupart des pays européens, la dépense dépassent 40% du PIB".
He wants to see some way of leverageing money out ofthe nation states of the EU, but he warns,
"We are not closed to the reflection on own resources but it is clear that we can't have additional income for the EU, it must replace existing sources," a French diplomat told this website. "The second issue is that we can't increase the fiscal pressure on our citizens," they added.

One thing is clear however, says Mr Lamassoure. "It must not be called a 'European tax'. Once you mix the words 'Europe' and 'tax' in the same sentence it becomes explosive."
The problem is Alain, what else can you call it? No matter how many times you say we musn't call it an EU tax it still would be an EU tax.

And anyway, if you are such a true believer in the EU, and you believe that the people share your belief, surely they would be happy to fund your ambitions.

What you don't think so. No?

Then stop doing it then.

1 comment:

Michael J. McFadden said...

Gawain, all they have to do is follow the footsteps of the Antismokers: It's not a tax, it's a "voluntary user fee." Only those folks who insist on going out and purchasing and using stuff will be contributing toward it. Good, hard working, self-sufficient Brits and Euros who build their own homes and eat from their own gardens and such won't have to pay a dime so it's not REALLY a tax! Smoking bans aren't really bans either after all: you're still free to smoke in your own home as long as it's not an attached apartment or row-home and you don't have a partner or children to poison.

See, it's all a matter of adjusting the way you think Gawain! Citizens who Think Right (tm) will understand!

Michael J. McFadden
Author of "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"
