Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where shall I go on my holidays?

Or more to the point, where shall I go to work?
The EU's pollster Eurobarometer has produced a new survey on the Freedom of Movement (otherwise known as uncontrollable borders).

If you look at Page 32 we have a graph titled
Q 13 In which country(ies) would you prefer to work?
Interestingly the top three countries share one thing, they are members of the Angloshere

US - 21%
UK -16%
Australia - 15%
So 52% of those that expressed a preference would like to go to English speaking, Common Law countries (Canada is there with 9%, New Zealand 6%). I note that this is the desire of those who wish to work, not those who wish to get benefits.

It becomes even moe interesting when the country of depature is included, with 26% wanting to go to Germany from the eastern block, but still with the UK at 21%.

Right down at the bottom of the document page 181 is the preference by country in raw figures. It will not suprise you that Brits want to go to the

US - 32%
Australia - 28%
New Zealand - 15%
Canada - 12%

So who wants to come to the UK (first column) and Germany (Second Column) In percentages


BE - 17 3
BG - 17 18
CZ - 26 34
DK - 31 15
DE - 12 0
EE - 21 14
IE - 22 5
EL - 31 28
ES - 22 16
FR - 14 5
IT - 25 7
CY - 57 5
LV - 35 17
LT - 28 10
LU - 12 13
HU - 26 36
MT - 54 7
NL - 20 13
AT - 4 14
PL - 21 32
PT - 15 12
RO - 6 11
SI - 15 31
SK - 30 29
FI - 18 21
SE - 32 12
UK - 0 4

Whilst the situation with Malta and Cyprus can be explained by history, the rest is by opportunity.

Yup I think geography has something to do with it in the case of Germany, but just look at those numbers. Nobody can tell me that with that being the number of people who want to come here to work that we have control of our borders whilst we remain in the EU.

Where the Irish want to go is even more telling.

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