National News
Paul Nuttall reveals plans for Europol to spy on us for such things as Euroscepticism and climate denialism. The Express in their fashion create the front page headline,
Nigel Farage is in the Daily Mail, (2 in two days?)talking about the Franco/German plans to create an inclusive European Economic Government.
Paul Nuttall, chairman of the UK Independence Party, said: “I am horrified. We thought Gordon Brown’s Big Brother state was bad enough but at least we are going to kick him out in May. These guys we cannot sack until we leave the EU.”
Nigel Farage is in the Daily Mail, (2 in two days?)talking about the Franco/German plans to create an inclusive European Economic Government.
UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage said: 'When they cannot even deal with the problems of Greece without resorting to outside help it is absurd to suggest anyone is going to go along with the idea of creating an economic government of Europe. They are living in fantasy land.'The fatuous comment from the Treasury
A senior Government source said last night: 'We support stronger co-ordination of economic policy in Europe, but there are some semantic issues here.Either shows ignorance or arrogance. Ignorance of the true nature of EU governance which hollows out soveriegnty leaving a carapace of independence with national Chancellor's parroting lines not written in London or Copenhagen but drafted n Brussels and Frankfort. But of course it knows that, so instead it is arrogance thinking that this will baffle the British people into believing that the country still has a say in how it is governed.
'No one is talking about taking powers away from member states. There is no prospect of Mr Van Rompuy standing at the Chancellor's Despatch Box delivering the Budget.'
Vandals attack UKIP office in Plymouth.A VANDAL attack on the premises of the UK
Independence Party on Mutley Plain could be linked to a slur published on social networking site Twitter, says one of its parliamentary candidates.Nice, but UKIP are fighting hard down there in a four way marginal so some of the establishment may be getting a little worried.
The fist-sized missile smashed the outer window of the shop during Wednesday night.
Andrew Leigh, UKIP candidate for Plymouth Sutton, said the attack appeared to be politically motived because the concrete smashed through the party's logo. The damage would cost hundreds of pounds to repair.
Paul Nuttal is punting himself around the North West local press talking about Climate Change and opening a new office in Bootle.
Godfrey Bloom is picked up by Rob Langston, the FT blogger laying into the daft plans of the Commission to regulate the Hedge Fund industry,
UKIP candidate in Carlisle has an interesting local campaign going on, Mark Owen is asking people what they think.
Meanwhile Freddie Forsyth in the Express is a litle bit conflicted. First he complains that independents standing in Buckingham are going to queer Farage's pitchas he tries to unseat Speaker Bercow,
In Buckingham we have a rock-solid Tory seat now held by Mr Speaker Bercow, who has made himself hugely unpopular. By tradition the major parties will not stand against the Speaker. But opportunist ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage is standing, and might even have toppled the Speaker in his own bailiwick, the only conceivable chance of a UKIP candidate appearing in the Commons.
Now three more are standing as Independents. There were only ever going to be two kinds of voter – pro-Bercow and anti-Bercow. Now the anti-Bercow vote will be split four ways and Mr Speaker is guaranteed to keep his seat.
The addition of the other candidates certainly makes the election in Buckingham hard to call, but we believe that people like John Stevens are taking votes from Bercow, but votes who would never vote UKIP, thus making life a little easier not harder, so we can agree to differ with Mr Forsyth. However he gets things utterly wrong on the broader picture.
Now UKIP will definately take votes off the Tories, well after the rusting of the cast iron guarantees about an EU referendum, when they show a mad desire to press ahead with climate alarmist lunacy, when they propose to tax banks without thinking of the consequences why on earth shouldn't people vote for what they believe in, rather than for a party that has consistently let them down. What Freddie doesn't seem to realise is that in the north and Midlands most UKIP votes do not necessarily come from former Tories. We are picking up disillusioned forme Labour just as much ( an ex-Labour MP has just offered to help campaign for example).
As for suggesting that we do not appear in the polls, well we are consistently picking up upwards of 5,6,7,
Mr Bloom said there were many in the industry that failed to understand the extent to which new regulation proposed by the European Commission would have on the financial services industry.Errr... quite.A letter writer takes issue with an attack printed on us printed in the Exeter Express and Echo
He said: "The concept of regulation of the City of London moving to Brussels is enormous. People don't seem to be talking about his at all.
"The problem of moving it to Brussels is that everything they regulate is a disaster, I think it will have a very detrimental effect on innovation on the City of London."I would argue that there is a degree of concern that it is not being taken very seriously."
Mr Bloom said London firms could start looking for bases outside the EU's regulatory regime, such as Switzerland.
He said: "There is a fundamental misunderstanding [by the European parliament], financial services is about risk/reward. What we have is the Commission trying to remove risk from financial services."
UKIP candidate in Carlisle has an interesting local campaign going on, Mark Owen is asking people what they think.
Meanwhile Freddie Forsyth in the Express is a litle bit conflicted. First he complains that independents standing in Buckingham are going to queer Farage's pitchas he tries to unseat Speaker Bercow,
In Buckingham we have a rock-solid Tory seat now held by Mr Speaker Bercow, who has made himself hugely unpopular. By tradition the major parties will not stand against the Speaker. But opportunist ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage is standing, and might even have toppled the Speaker in his own bailiwick, the only conceivable chance of a UKIP candidate appearing in the Commons.
Now three more are standing as Independents. There were only ever going to be two kinds of voter – pro-Bercow and anti-Bercow. Now the anti-Bercow vote will be split four ways and Mr Speaker is guaranteed to keep his seat.
The addition of the other candidates certainly makes the election in Buckingham hard to call, but we believe that people like John Stevens are taking votes from Bercow, but votes who would never vote UKIP, thus making life a little easier not harder, so we can agree to differ with Mr Forsyth. However he gets things utterly wrong on the broader picture.
The biggest Tory vote-splitter by far is UKIP, which is now an anti-Conservative vote-wrecker pure and simple. I calculate that about 80 per cent of UKIP voters would have voted Conservative without a candidate and the 20 per cent real headbangers would stay at home.
If Cameron does not make Downing Street it will be because their vote in up to 40 reclaimable seats has been split and wrecked by UKIP and a slew of wannabes trying (and failing) to emulate Martin Bell as Tatton’s Mister Integrity. None of the above shows up in those opinion polls that send our TV pundits into such a frenzy.
Now UKIP will definately take votes off the Tories, well after the rusting of the cast iron guarantees about an EU referendum, when they show a mad desire to press ahead with climate alarmist lunacy, when they propose to tax banks without thinking of the consequences why on earth shouldn't people vote for what they believe in, rather than for a party that has consistently let them down. What Freddie doesn't seem to realise is that in the north and Midlands most UKIP votes do not necessarily come from former Tories. We are picking up disillusioned forme Labour just as much ( an ex-Labour MP has just offered to help campaign for example).
As for suggesting that we do not appear in the polls, well we are consistently picking up upwards of 5,6,7,
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