Monday, March 01, 2010

UKIP at the centre of public opinion - again

This report on from the FT rather makes our point,
Five European states back burka ban
More than half of voters in four other major European states back a push by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to ban women from wearing the burka, according to an opinion poll for the Financial Times.
As Mr Sarkozy presses ahead with plans to ban the wearing of the burka in public places, the FT’s latest Harris poll shows the move is not just strongly supported in France, but wins enthusiastic backing in the UK, Italy, Spain and Germany.
The poll shows some 70 per cent of respondents in France said they supported plans to forbid the wearing of the garment which covers the female body from head to toe. There was similar sentiment in Spain and Italy, where 65 per cent and 63 per cent respectively favoured a ban
The strength of feeling in the UK and Germany may seem particularly surprising. Britain has a strong liberal tradition that respects an individual’s right to full expression of religious views. But here, some 57 per cent of people still favoured a ban. In Germany, which is also reluctant to clamp down in minority rights, some 50 per cent favoured a ban.
Now I know it is almost axiomatic that we should ignorethe views of the elctorate, but just would somebody please explain to me why exactly.

After all here in the UK people want to change our relationship with the EU to a fre trade agreement only. UKIP policy
They want to cut immigration massively - UKIP policy
They want proper choice in Schools - UKIP policy

To name but a few


Anonymous said...

Most of us vote in an uneducated way, politically speaking. Why should the majority vote for 3 major parties that say nothing the people want? Meanwhile, the parties that reflect our views receive less than 20% of the vote, collectively. Time the people woke up.

banned said...

"Five European states back burka ban"
Wrong, the populations of 5 European states..., not the same thing at all as the Dutch, French and Irish found out when asked for their opinions.
