Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Whoops... Ganley balls up

Last nighjt teh Bureau of the Parliament accepted what they saw as the inevitable and agreed that Libertas was a European Political Party. This meant that they were able to pass go and pick up 200,000 Euro.

And then the wheels came off. In order to set up the party what is required is 7 elected members at Euro, national or regional levels. One of these signataries was Igor Grazin and Estonian Liberal. Now he had voted against the Lisbon Treaty, but was a member of the Liberal allied Estonian Reform Party. When the ALDE discovered that one of their own had joined a different European Political Party they went, dare I say ballistic.

The net result is that Grazin has denied any involvement,
"Gräzin said that “none of Libertas's agenda” matched his position in the Estonian parliament or the Estonian Reform Party.
Thus some very red faces in the Libertas HQ in Brussels, plus desperate scurrying around here in Strasbourg to see if they can block the check.

The other signatories are
Philippe de Villiers: French MEP and leader of the Eurosceptic party, Movement for France (MPF).
Paul-Marie Coûteaux: Also a MPF MEP.
Georgios Georgiou: A Greek MEP and member of the Popular Orthodox Rally, a party that previously held anti-Semitic views.
David Alton: A non-affiliated member of the UK House of Lords, known for his Catholic and anti-abortion views
Timo Juhani Soini: a member of the Finnish parliament and leader of the anti-EU party, True Finns.
Hristov Kouminev: A member of the Bulgarian Parliament and nationalist party Attack.
Cyprian Gutkowski: A member of a Polish regional assembly and the League of Polish Families party, noted for its right-wing and anti-homosexual views.

Looking at Mr Ganley's friends... Paint me gobsmacked that David Alton is having anything to do with Attaka, the Bulgarian party that, when I asked what they thought about the gypsies said,
"Well... We don't advocate killing them"

The True Finns are pretty interesting as well


Anonymous said...

If Libertas is opposed to the Lisbon Constitutional Treaty but in favour of the EU, what is the difference between it and the Tory Party?

People Korps said...

Ganley is well slippy. Did he think no one would notice? read my blog for more on Ganley.

People Korps said...

Ganley is so slippery did he think no one would notice?

See my blog for more on the bold Declan.

Ralf Grahn said...

Yes, the True Finns (Perussuomalaiset) are interesting.

How can a European level political party be said to be represented by an MP whose voters in Finland have not been informed about their Chairman joining a pan-European political party?

You can read my doubt about the legality of Libertas and the morality of Timo Soini on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Ganley needs to be exposed for the corrupt dangerous fraud that he is.
Any information that can help give the Irish electorate a more balanced view than the sycophantic celebrity like press coverage he was enjoying - until Kevin Barrington in last month's Village highlighted the fact he was a "liar, self-mythologiser and snake oil salesman" - should be sent to ganleydeclan@gmail.com
Ref ganleydeclan@blogspot.com
