So it has been over the last 36 hours.
So sory for nothing particularly enlightening about the Irish referendum and the response in Brussels. But put it this way. In future all press conferences will last 6 hours and take place in the pub.
That is the team feeling really rather pleased with the results as they come in. Your author has his hands in the air.
I am slightly confused. How were you in the middle of it? Are you Irish?
I would like to reassure my mother and father that I do not drink pints.
Happy hour!
Watch out for extra crabby Commission staff deliberately spilling your pints in the EU Quarter's Irish pubs...
I wonder how much of the budget they have already committed to projects that now won't have a legal basis.
I think we should be told!
Nope, but the bloke to my left is.
I didn't see you drink a single pint Trixy, not a single one... four or five maybe.
CS, they already do that...
Well they voted against Nice because the new countries divert funds away from them, now they're voting against anything that comes from Europe.
We all know that no body ever voted against the Constitution or the Treaty, they are voting as there national interests dictate.
That's whats wrong with Europe and I mean Europe not just the Union.
No we don't know that. Indeed that is bunk. But it is convienient bunk.
After Margot Wallstrom mae that claim on Newsnight on Friday, Gavin Esler asked her,
"So what do the people have to do to reject your plans, if you will not accept three referendum No votes".
She could not answer, because there is no answer. The European Elite has no intention or desire to listen to the people, which is why they oppose it.
Brian Crowley made fools of you lot for using the flag as a tablecloth.
Brian Crowley did indeed talk about the tricolour. See Kevin Myers in today's Irish Independent for a measured response to his knee jerk vapourings.
There is no doubt that Myers is the best columnist writing in Ireland in terms of command of the craft.
I do think that to plonk a glass of wine on anyone's national flag is plain bad manners.
True, no arguements there, but I do think that Mr Crowley is being more than a little precious. Many a time have I been with my Itrish relations at Twickeham and the idignities suffered by the tricolour make last Friday pale in comparison.
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