I had missedthis prize peice of monstrosity when it happened last month, but haveing had it pointed out to me well I just had to let you know about it.
That fine upstanding fellow, John Hemming MP, Lib Dem Member for the Birmingham Constituency of Yardly (who runs an ineffablt tedious blog here), has been looking for new staff.
He wants somebody who will have,
"A high level of academic qualification is requested - degree and good A levels. Only people who have campaigned actively for the Liberal Democrats or have strong Birmingham links will qualify".
They will work on the,
"normal range of tasks allocated ranging from research through to assisting with casework, campaigning and media", not only that but he needs them for the whole Parliamentary year.
But this being the socially aware and inclusive Liberal Democrats, they key to getting this job will be to have a private income,
"No salary, but possibility of accommodation".
Now as my informant points out,
"Given that the vacancy arises becauses he got his previous secretary (mistress number 26) up the duff, one cannot help but question the motives behind his offer of free accommodation".
Towns and States Don’t Want Green Energy
3 hours ago
Now, now. A certain 'degree' of irony, 'A' levels and Up Duff
Cryptic crapt-on
"Normal range of tasks"?
Looking at the photo, I have considerable trouble imagining the longsuffering legitimate spouse stomaching the nuptials required to engender the initial sprogs, much less that such a long tally of women also succumbed.
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