The letter sent to the Flemish TV station VTM makes the point pretty clearly,
"In the name of Allah, in a Muslim country like Belgium a homesexual must never become Prime Minister"The threat is downplayed in the Le Soir which makes light of the affair, pointing out that there are many threats and that the "the dog that barks the loudest is not the dog that bites". It also points to a rather marvellous Wlliam Tell response from Queen Fabiola after a death threat this year,
"At one time, somebody threatened that they were so angry that they would kill her on the square with a crossbow at the National day procession on July 21st. She responded to the threat by carrying an apple during the event." (my translation)I doff my hat Ma'am
"...in a Muslim country like Belgium..."
I wasn't aware that Belgium was a muslim country. Illusions of grandeur perhaps?
(pickiwedia indicates only 6% are muslim)
My French isn't brillian, but doesn't "ne peut" mean "cannot" rather than "must not"?
So he's pointing out a consequence of having a large Muslim population, not agreeing with it.
It may be that nationally only 6% - but I would dispute that as erring on the side of caution. In the cities it is a very different matter. If I was Muslim and I lived in Brussels I would consider it a Muslim city.
Richard, I stand corrected, so it could be even worse than I thought. Cannot could be seen as a imperative even more serious than must not.
After all Mr van Gogh pooh poohed the threats.
Mr. Di Rupo's PS has been the architect of letting poor immigrants in (not a bad idea, if they come to work) in order to let them profit from the Socialist Party controlled welfare services (terrible idea) so as a result a lot these people haven't integrated (this is the rule with subsidies: you spit into the hand that feeds you) and despise our Western values (such as respecting homosexuals as Di Ripo).
Very true Pieter, I hadn't spotted the irony, thanks.
Is this a joke?
How stoned does one have to be before setting up such a page on Blogger which could in some countries be construed as illegal rather than funny?
"Is this a joke?"
Not at all
"How stoned does one have to be before setting up such a page on Blogger which could in some countries be construed as illegal rather than funny? "
It's not funny, and it's not illegal.
To resort to your own hyperbolic witticism, how stoned do you have to be to willfully misinterpret a perfectly legitimate page on Blogger in which only the professionally offended would take offense?
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