Well, well it appears that Mr Reid has been learning techniques from the EU. The Telegraph, reports that he is "to launch a Bill increasing the severity of gagging orders on Government insiders and employees who leak confidential information".
This all seems part of the Government's assault on our traditional and had fought liberties. The article goes on,
"Ministers want to remove the common law defence of "duress of circumstances", which has been used by members of the intelligence and security agencies to leak information to the press."
This is al of a piece with an internal EU survey, (no link, will try and find it and link later), that came out a coupleof years ago pointing out that of all Commision officials saclked, none were sacked for incompetance, none for fraud but 5 or 6 were sacked for whistleblowing. Oh yes and the infamous arrest of German invstigative journalist Hans Martin Tillack, which was set up in order to get hold of his list of internal EU contacts.
I have to say, I am getting very woried by the trajectory of this governmen, and of course the pusillamity of the opposition on matters of civil liberties.
Does She Or Doesn’t She
23 minutes ago
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