Monday, October 04, 2010

Hannan gets in on the Reverse Majority Rule

Dan Hannan has picked up my questions about Van Rompuy's "Reverse Majority Rule". Another EU anorak, and yet he is also in the dark,
"I have spent two days asking around in Brussels, and no one there knows what it is, either."

However a question is being filed to Mr Van Rompuy by Nigel Farage, so we expect enlightenment at some point soon. I will of course le you know when we have it.

If it is an innovation - and something chilling tells me that it is there in the Comitology procedure - thus it will not be, the will we need a Treaty Change?

This is the question UKIP's Farage is asking,

Does the proposal to enforce Member States’ compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact in the Eurozone area by strengthening sanctions under Article 136, namely by introducing more automatic decision-making rules on sanc-tions based on a “reverse majority rule”, require changes to the Treaties, in particular to Article 238 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Un-ion?

If not, what is the legal basis in the Treaties for a so-called “reverse majority rule”?

We await an answer.


Anonymous said...

Any news on Nigel's question?

Any answer on the legal basis for this proposal?

Alexander said...

I am also eager to hear any response to the question on Reverse Majority Rule.

Gawain Towler said...

I will try and find out for you

Gawain Towler said...

No answer yet it seems
