Monday, August 02, 2010

Poole panned

Great news out of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal which has just found against Poole Council in the Paton case.

This was that business where the local Council used the full extent of anti-terrorist legislation in The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to spy on a woman who wante to get her child into a decent Primary School.

According to Liberty,

Today the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) ruled unlawful Poole Borough
Council’s surveillance of mum-of-three Jenny Paton and her family.
The Council had subjected the whole family, including the children, to surveillance
for three weeks in 2008. It claimed that it was acting under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), in order to discover whether the family lived
within the catchment area where the children went to school. But the IPT ruled
that was not a proper purpose and nor was it necessary to use the surveillance
powers. Today’s landmark ruling is the first time these intrusive powers –
controversially granted to local authorities under RIPA – have been challenged
at an open hearing before the IPT.

All good stuff. Now how many other councils have been misusing these powers?

1 comment:


"in order to discover if this family lived within the catchment area"they managed to find thier address so that they could spy on them,so was the address in thier catchment area?If so why spy,if not why spy?
