William Dartmouth's disgraceful booting out makes it into the Telegraph,
"A Ukip MEP was thrown out of the European Parliament yesterday for an attack onThe EU Observer also carries the tale, as does the BBC, with film of the incident.
Lady Ashton. The Earl of Darmouth was asked to leave a debate for saying Greece and Cyprus having an "arctic policy" was "as bizarre as the appointment of Baroness Ashton as the EU's high representative".
the Guardian,
Now William, Earl of Dartmouth, has been asked to leave a debate for saying that for hot countries such as Greece and Cyprus to have an "Arctic policy" was "as bizarre as the appointment of Baroness Ashton as the EU's high representative".
Lord Dartmouth was taking part in a debate on policy towards the Arctic as the ice melts and sea lanes open up in an area until now not governed by international maritime law.
Chairing the debate was UK Liberal Democrat MEP Diana Wallis, who objected when Dartmouth raised what he called the absurdity of southern European states being involved in any policy to do with the Arctic.
When he made his remark about Lady Ashton – who had addressed the parliament earlier today – his microphone was switched off and Wallis ordered an usher to remove the MEP from the chamber.

Elsewhere Nick Hogan's release from gaol gets some good coverage - though without UKIP mentions, I mean why would they mention UKIP when he is the party's spokesman on the night time economy... why indeed?
Here he is in the Mail, the Telegraph the Sun, the Morning Advertiser and across the blogosphere. Well done Anna Racoon, and particularly old Holborne.
The case is also widely covered in the local press.
The Health Service Journal reports on UKIP's health policy,
The UK Independence Party would save £2bn-£3bn by scrapping primary care trusts and strategic health authorities and having services run as franchises, its deputy leader has told HSJ.
Otherwise the Weston and Somerset Mercury reports on the UKIP candidate in Weston Super Mare,
Worle GP Dr Steven Pearse-Danker will stand for the euro-sceptics at the national poll, which is expected to take place in May.Dr Danker, who works at the Worle Health Centre, in High Street, said: "Central and local government have ridden roughshod over your democratic rights whilst you have been made to pick up the bill by way of higher taxes to pay for MPs' expenses, to bail out the banks and military adventures abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Good luck to you Dr Pearse-Danker. And in the same town there are reports that Nigel Farage will be speaking with Chris Booker.
1 comment:
We missed a right old trick there.
I was vaguely hoping that one of our MEPs would merely stand up, gesticulate helplessly and say:
"On the topic of damp rags... you make the other bloke, old whatsisname, look like a freshly-starched and just-ironed table napkin in a five star restaurant..."
And then sit down again.
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