Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day without whiskey

Another set back for the veggie green campaigners in the European Parliament. Following the comedey performance of Paul Macartney at the European Parliament, and its follow up Bar-Be-Que in Place Luxembourg just outside hosted by Paul Nuttal and Godfrey Bloom comes news just in from the Parliament's Conference of Presidents.

It appears that the organiser of the Parliament sponsored "Day without Meat" rather upset the CAP funded and very powerful farming lobby. Thus the CoP rounded on Edward McMillan-Scott, Parliament Vice-President and maybe Tory MEP, and denounced the idea.

At one point the physically glowing and florid EMS was taunted by Martin Schulz, PES leader.

"Maybe next time we should have a European parliament "Day without Whiskey".



Budgie said...

It's whisky unless you're American. And dear Edward should be in the stocks for cheating the electorate.

Tory Lady said...

He obviously hasn't changed from the days when his glowing face used to be seen at every Party Conference reception!
