Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Farage on the Czech Presidency

What Mr Barroso forgets of course is that the Treaty takes the flag away, in order to get the Dutch to refuse a second referendum. So why is he flying that flag?


Michael Heaver said...

Nigel being that close to Barroso is just brilliant. Will that be the plenary arrangement for the next five years if EFD holds up?

Gawain Towler said...

Yes, good news don't you think?

Michael Heaver said...

Extremely good news. Why such a boost when EFD is only marginally larger than Ind/Dem was?

wonkotsane said...

No, the flag and anthem are still in it but they're no longer in the main text, they're in appendices.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Staggered that Barroso thinks it's clever to dismiss the UK flag and promote the EU one instead.

As insulated bubbles go, Brussels must be stifling.

Fausty said...

Excellent and timely. I hope the Irish are listening.

Barroso was over-promoted. What a clown.


It is good to see that the destruction of democracy is so much fun.
