What is interesting is that the advert he sent round the Parliament is this,
Shoehorn invites you to the launch of Andrew Duff's new book
18h30 - 20h00 on Tuesday 14 April
Salon des Membres, Spinelli Building ground floor, European Parliament
ISBN 978 1 907149 00 9
€14.99 £12.99
Orders in local Brussels bookshops or www.shoehornbooks.com/SavingtheEU
All well and good, but hmmm, what's this. Could the great stuttering federast be breaking the Parliament's rules. By gum I think he just might be.
You see there are strict rules governing commercial activity,
“the event must be linked to the activities of the European Union and have a direct bearing on the European Parliament; it may not in any circumstances be of a commercial nature or detrimental to the dignity of the institution;”
Well this book is linked to the EU, but what, is it for sale? On the Parliament's premesis. Naughty naughty Mr Duff. Slapped wrist from the bureau I think.
"federast Good word, worthy of speading.
Good photo on the front - won't McDebt's smirk put people off buying the epic, though?
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