Thursday, February 26, 2009

So kind of them

Now they have it in for women who drink one glass of wine a day (or less). The National Cancer Institute has put out a wonderful piece of research that proves that we are all going to hell in a hand cart. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. One of the researchers did at least say this,

"It is up to individual people to make their own decision. All of us to some extent have to weigh up the risks and take some responsibility for our health," said Dr Allen."
To some extent! No Doctor Allen, it is not a case of to some extent at all. It is just it period. I am responsible for my health, you are responsible for your health, and Uncle Tom Cobbley is responsible for his bloody health.

Where do you think it becomes the respoinsibility of somebody else. One drink a night, two, three or maybe the whole Hague of 18 pints. At no point do you, you hectoring white coated buearocratic controllo freak get to decide when you can step in and decide, for me, what is or is not good for me.

I smoke - Bad for me.

I drink - sometimes to excess - bad for me.

I don't excercise - bad for me.

My diet is appalling - but very tasty - bad for me.

Come on then Dr Allen. At what point are you going to lobotomise me for my own good. Just sod off will you and drown in apool of your own self righteousness will you?

Oh lord I have looked a little futher into her career,
Dr Naomi Allen of Oxford University, a UK researcher who worked on the study, said: "Previous research has shown that there's a strong link between smoking and bladder cancer.

"But this study also suggests that young people who are exposed to second-hand smoke are more at risk of going on to develop the disease in later life.

"This adds to the growing body of evidence that children and adolescents may be even more vulnerable to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke than adults."


Dick Puddlecote said...

Gutted I wasn't alert enough to spot the inference in the alcohol quote. Nice fisk of it, have added as an update to my rambling here

Anonymous said...

"But this study also suggests that young people who are exposed to second-hand smoke are more at risk of going on to develop the disease in later life."

what a load of bull-plop. Second hand smoke, in the sense it is conveyed is a total myth

Anonymous said...

Count yourself lucky that lady isn't your wife or your mother.

Let's hope she sticks to cats...
