All decisions are compromisable, all positions changeable. Nothing is quite what it seems.
But there is a speck of light. Like a throwback to the nineteenth century, a politician of conviction and principle. Enter Vaclav Klaus. Second term President of the Czech Republic and a beacon of enlightenment values in an increasingly voodoo world.
His reasoning is instructive. As things stand EU legislation, was passed at the European level is hardly if ever discussed effectively in national Parliaments. This means that those politicians closest to the public are reduced to little more than franking machines. Not something that Klaus wishes to see,President Vaclav Klaus Monday vetoed an amended law according to which, in harmony with the EU regulation REACH, companies in the Czech Republic would have to register the chemicals they use.
Klaus had already criticised the directive. In January last year, for instance, he said it was the most terrible thing that had emerged in the EU. The fate of the legislation will thus be decided by the Chamber of Deputies which can outvote the President's veto.
He has managed to get the support of both the Communists and teh Chemicals Association. Impressive no? Can we have a few like that please in the UK, just a few, I'm not asking for too much am I?"The link with the protection of people's health and safety is at least very
doubtful," Klaus said in a letter to Miloslav Vlcek, chairman of the lower
house, explaining his decision.In its current form, the law would place the entire chemical industry including the smallest producers under direct control of European bureaucrats, according to Klaus.
"The European directive is wrong and its Czech version is even worse, so I cannot sign the law," Klaus said.By using the veto, Klaus said he sought to boost missing political discussion during the law's passage in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Communist deputy Katerina Konecna said it was a mistake that the amended law was not properly discussed. That is why there are many things in the law with which the Communists (KSCM) do not agree, she said.
The Association of the Czech Chemical Industry also said that the amendment has many shortcomings. The veto of the law can be used to achieve a "more reasonable wording," said Ladislav Novak, director of the Association.
The last time I saw Communists in the UK was at the 1988 NUS Conference in Blackpool. They were doing a roaring trade in Communist Party filofaxes and champagne.
I think they disbanded shortly after that, or maybe they merged with the Tories or the Lib-Dems.
None of those well-heeled Communists would have looked out of place in the chemical industry. Or UKIP come to think of it!
Oddly I joined the leftist Socialist Workers at University. The Labour Group and the Lib Dems refused to engage in any debate, and the SWs didn't have enough members to form a SU subsidised group so I got a bunch of Tories to join just to ensure we had somebody to argue with.
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