Monday, November 26, 2007

Cameron says something decent

OK so I missed this on Saturday, the Tory's spin doctors obviously thought the speech pretty unimportant as only the Guardian and the BBC seemed to cover it having picked up a PA report and it has recieved virtually no exposure on Con Home, but it has been picked up by the Devil and Guido.
“So there are many battles we must fight together, and my message to you today is a simple one - a message that I know you will understand more than most. The battle for freedom and opportunity is never finally won. In each generation, those of us who believe in freedom, in human potential, in the idea that the strength of our society comes from the energy and industry and creativity of our people; those of us who believe in these things must be ready to fight for them because the enemies of freedom are never finally vanquished. They always live to fight another day. Today we can see the enemies of freedom preparing a renewed assault on our liberty. They do not mean to harm us. In fact, they mean to help us. But their ideas are out of date, their methods have failed and their advance must be derailed. I am speaking of the politicians and public officials who believe that they know best how to organise our lives. That they are the experts, so they must have the power. You can find them everywhere – in my country, in your country and in the EU itself. They are the last defenders of the bureaucratic age, an age before the information revolution and our new world of freedom that makes it possible to put real power in people’s hands. But in their desire to control, to regulate, to direct, the defenders of the bureaucratic age have over-reached themselves. They have gone too far. They have tried to do too much. And it has exposed the historic error of their ways.

In Britain, bureaucratic over-reach has seen the Labour Government creeping further and further into the lives of British people. Millions of families sucked into a complex system of tax credits. An army of tax collectors that is now almost as big as our actual army. Fingerprinting children at school. And this week we saw a shocking consequence of this bureaucratic over-reach: a scandal where the government has lost the names, addresses and bank details of almost every family in the country. Are they learning the lesson? Do they accept that bureaucracy has gone too far? Of course not. They are stuck in the bureaucratic age. So they now want to take personal information about everyone in the country and store it on a national identity register. We are seeing this bureaucratic over-reach in the EU too. The desire for harmonisation and homogenisation – on tax, on regulation, on so many aspects of public and private life. It is the last gasp of an outdated ideology, a philosophy that has no place in our new world of freedom, a world which demands that we fight this bureaucratic over-reach and lead Europe into the hope and potential of a new, post-bureaucratic age.”
The thing is if Cameron can say things like this abroad, and hey, credit where credit is due it was a very positive speech, indeed he could well have been speaking at a UKIP event then why can I not find it on the Tory Party website? I would like to read it in full as it seems eminently sensible. There again maybe it is a touch niaive when it comes to the reformability of the EU, and the direction he suggests taking walks into a withdrawalist position, which he has stated often is not a possiblity, but it is still good to hear him standing up for freedom.

The speech can be found in audio on the ODS website.


Anonymous said...

"....he could well have been speaking at a UKIP event..."

I assume you mean this only in the sense that he was not speaking in the House of Commons - somewhere UKIP is never likely to be unless it succeeds (I know, I know) in getting a European electoral system forced onto us.

Gawain Towler said...

Nope, UKIP holds events up and down the country so anywhere in the UK would have sufficed.
Odd you think that the Commons could be described a Tory event.

And by the way, UKIP is utterly opposed to the list system, as it is state funding of parties, do get your prejudices sorted at the counter of evidence.

Anonymous said...

Is it opposed to proportional representation?
