If you happen to be in London and have a hour or so to waste make your way to the Strand and feast yourself on the current exhibition being held at the Courtauld Institute.
Despite the title of the show being a little bit naf, and some of the merchandising being frankly beneath them,
is like the gallery that houses it, small but perfctly but pefectly balanced.
That this is the first major exhibition of his work ever put on in the UK is nothing short of extraordinary. It, as the title suggests, hangs on the masterpiece Adam and Eve,

Sometimes though I do wish curators would treat as if they had both eyes to see and hearts to feel as the painting notes are about as trite as warnings on supermarket nuts.
Cranach was a close friend of Luther, thus he must be a misogynist.
Anybody who could produce this work, ( A Faun and his Family, lent by the Getty )cannot blame all the ills of the world on female kind as is suggested in the blurb. Fashionable ideas of feminist counter phallocentricity are ill placed beside such sublime work.
Pouilly Fume eh? a good choice and thanks for the cheese tip
Really, the cheese is second to none
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