Maybe the best song lyrics ever, from Mystical Shit by King Missile
Jesus was way cool
Everybody liked Jesus
Everybody wanted to hang out with him
Anything he wanted to do, he did
He turned water into wine
And if he wanted to
He could have turned wheat into marijuana
Or sugar into cocaine
Or vitamin pills into amphetamines
He walked on the water
And swam on the land
He would tell these stories
And people would listen
He was really cool
If you were blind or lame
You just went to Jesus
And he would put his hands on you
And you would be healed
That's so cool
He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Barishnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool
He told people to eat his body and drink his blood
That's so cool
Jesus was so cool
But then some people got jealous of how cool he was
So they killed him
But then he rose from the dead
He rose from the dead, danced around
Then went up to heaven
I mean, that's so cool
Jesus was way cool
No wonder there are so many Christians
Climate Annoying? Open the Mind Instead
1 hour ago
They have decent respect for cheesecake too
And for Scotland
you are an odd odd man.
how can these lyics possibly compare with 'Horsy Horsey'?
and just in case you are struggling, heres the whole lot to learn by tonight:
Farmer Grey's got a one horse shay
He takes to town on market day
Coming home when the lights are low
He sings this song as away they go.
Horsey, Horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clipity clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up we're homeward bound.
Horsey horsey on your way
We've done the journey many a day
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up we're homeward bound.
We ain't in a hustle, we ain't in a bustle
Don't go tearing up the road
We ain't in a hurry, we ain't in a flurry
And we ain't got a very heavy load
Going home when they get half way
They call a halt at the Load of Hay
He has just one, then he has one more
And you'll hear him sing after three or four
You don't need the whip no goodness knows
You don't need the whip so I'll take a little doze
Horsey horsey on your way
We've done the journey many a day
your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up we're homeward bound.
You neglected to mention that
a: he got nailed to a tree
b: your wife hates it with a vengeance
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