Monday, March 07, 2005

Even the French hate them

So the screw turns. In an article in Irish Sunday Tribune (registration required), Francis X Malloy illustrates how French MEPs are leading an attempt to have Sinn Fein thrown out from their political group in the European Parliament.
The specific attack is that the two Shinners in the Parliament tried to arrange a protest hearing using group cash. The protest meeting is for what they grandiosely called the Colombia Three, as in "Free the Columbia Three". Otherwise known as an IRA training team. The training team was training FARC rebels as we know. FARC however still hold French citizen, and Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt. Her third anniversary as a hostage was only last week. Even better, having spent the money on glossy posters, etc. three days before the event the three terrorists absconded, leaving the GUE Group out of pocket and outraged.

The political group to which Mary Lou and Bairbre de Bruin are attached is headed by the Frenchman, Francois Wurtz. he was unaware of the Northern bank raid, the McCartney killing, the money laundering etc. until the week before last. He craves respectability - as any French Communist does, and he is now going to have French politicians from across the political spectrum being made aware of the complicity of some of his members in the hostage holding of a French national heroine.

Shame isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent news - when Les Grenouilles don't like you, and you happen to be terrorist scum like Sinn Fein/IRA, you know you've been tangoed! Great site btw - I've linked you to ours.
